Prospectuses at all levels for education institutions can be accessed and published in two ways. Firstly there is the much trusted and conventional way of physical copies presenting the College in this instance as a brochure type document commonly seen with all prospectuses nowadays.

The advantage of physical copies is the reader can see the aesthetics of the institution which are brought to life physically rather than digitally on screen. Also the information regarding the college is bundled into one so the information can be accessed in the same prospectus. There are flaws with physical copies though and physical copies are substantially much more expensive to produce  than digital prospectuses.

Interactive/digital prospectuses are fast becoming the norm in the way prospectuses can be distributed nowadays. On the official site of a college for example, the prospectus more likely than not will be available for viewing or download from there. There is also the option to order a prospectus generally for free from the site more often than not. Interactive prospectuses can be interacted in much easier ways than physical copies as at the click of the mouse; readers can flick through pages to what he/she wants to see.

The     sell what is on offer ultimately whether digital or physical, the benefit of having both is that colleges can cater universally for people who want to interact in either fashion. Having this flexibility and also employing both means that readers can gain prospectuses easily.

As any of you will be motivated to do, as the father, I will not go behind in any way to check the kind of institution I should admit my son. This is a crucial decision of all the parents. Human mind has won over many hurdles and will continue to do so.  While thinking of their own sons and daughters, the same human mind looks for best of anything and everything as education is the base of bright future.  As such, there can be no comprises in case of selecting schools. What you or I will do is accessing school websites for gathering information.

Right from the beginning, selection of school means for a number of positive images we have in mind as standards to look for. The first objective of school website design is creating a positive impact about quality. A beautiful design obviously draws keen attention of the visitors. The ease of navigation from page to page reveals all the departments - administrative, staff, facilities and resources. The first impression establishes an attraction to get deeper into the host of other features, neatly arranged without causing a clutter or missed out points.   

The education system has been undergoing changes to match with emerging human needs. Much of the process of teaching and learning is supported with technology; the location and proximity do not come much in the process of learning.  Much of this information you can find featuring in the school website to see whether all what you hear are available.  It will be also quite beneficial for you to establish a communication right from the website to seek clarification.    

As the school authority, I would like to involve the local community more by posting news and happenings of the school for social developments. The important thing is letting the          do the talking in order to communicate the right message to the parents.  

Will I be wrong to say that we have to use 21st century technology in schools? It can’t be, living in the times of most rapid technological advancements while following the ways of the 20th century. That kind of thinking and attitude will push us back, especially for the issues and supports related to the schools which are formative places for the children who will take the charge tomorrow.

School websites are the first access for parents and students or the community to collect information from schools. You do it before deciding to visit a school or make a phone call like everybody else. In this kind of situation it will be grossly unimaginable to see school websites lacking in modern updated technology. A school website design truly symbolises the kind of outlook school administration has. The community will be swayed with an impression of the kind and quality of learning children can have.  

In the modern teaching methods, children learn a lot of things from the school website, like articles,  images, a series of learning through audio, videos and other e-files capsuled as podcasts as the means of quick learning and from any place. The school website can make use of many open source materials like articles and blogs or post happenings in the classroom to benefit of the students. Many school websites are now featured with social media like Facebook, Twitter, Flicker and Google+ etc.

It is now easy to design dynamic websites to make them attractive, easy to incorporate up-to-date features and better usability above all. Many schools’ adopt the latest technological support to advance their teaching methodology. You will often find such advanced facilities incorporated in the websites. I have seen a number of good websites of the schools that welcome you get readily absorbed within the school system with much to interact.